I can crush you with my butt

Wombats have an unusual defense system: a cartilage-padded rump. When a predator such as a dingo, Tasmanian devil or wild dog threatens them, wombats pull partway into their burrows, allowing the predator to get its head over the wombat’s back. Then the wombat uses its powerful legs to crush the predator’s skull against the top of the burrow.

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Wombats make square poop because of the elasticity in the walls of their intestines.

Wombats make square poop because of the elasticity in the walls of their intestines.

I have square poop

Wombats are highly territorial and use their dung to mark their range—poop is an ideal marker because they have poor eyesight but a keen sense of smell.

Why cubic poop? It won’t roll off a rock or get rolled away by a dung beetle. Wombats can produce up to 100 droppings per night.



I even sleep cute

When wombats are really relaxed, they sleep on their backs with their legs in the air. Somebody rub my tummy?

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I don’t pee — ever!

Wombats survive on very little water by recycling it. Instead of excreting urine as pee, the urea is diverted into the colon. Then it is eithe reabsorbed or excreted in the wombat’s poo. The only purpose of a jack’s penis is reproduction.



What do you call a group of wombats?

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What kind of sport do you play with a wombat?